Sunday 7 June 2015

Somerset House

We took a trip to London to visit Somerset House. We looked at the Secret 7 exhibition which is held annually and combines music and art.

"We take 7 tracks from 7 of the best-known musicians around and press each one 100 times to 7” vinyl. We then invite creatives from around the world to interpret the tracks in their own style for every 7”. 700 sleeves are exhibited and then sold for £50 apiece. You don't know who created the sleeve, or even which song it's for, until you have parted with your cash - the secret lies within."

All 700 sleeves can be viewed on the link below:

These are 20 of my favourite sleeves that I thought were unique and really stood out to me. 

This trip and exhibition in particular was very interesting and linked perfectly to my FMP. I will take inspiration from these and they will influence my design development.

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