Wednesday 17 June 2015


Joxen is an artist from Tulsa Oklahoma. I discovered him from a mixtape cover he designed which can be seen below. He isn't famous at all but has been discovered by the label AGO who he has now done frequent works for there mixtape and single releases. His illustrated style is sketchy and messy and uses bold black outlines. There is an element of disguise, sci-fi, and transformation into some sort of hybrid in his work. For example some of the faces are blurred or hidden, some feature space style suits, and others have scary zombie like features drawn on a foreground layer. The messy style means there isn't much detail on the face so the monster like features are emphasised. I like how the bold outlines don't necessarily meet the same boundary as the colour fills. This messy distorted style where the outlines and colour fills overlap is eye catching and still looks professional.

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