Wednesday 24 June 2015

Final Album Cover

This is my final album cover design. The concept behind the artwork relates to the meaning of the album. It is named Summertime '06 as this was when his friend was murdered and so it was a turning point in his life. In the foreground you can see Vince Staples  with fans hands reaching out like he is performing. However Vince's expression is sorrowful as he looks up to the skies. This relates to looking to heaven or praying to God. Above him in the background you can see a sign for Ramona Park and a street sign for 65th street and Obispo ave. These mark where he grew up in Long Beach and near where his friend was killed. Vince mentions Ramona Park, 65th street and Obispo ave in many of his songs and can be seen posting photos of these signs below. These significant signs are placed above him where he is looking  suggesting they are always in his thoughts. Overall the cover's meaning is that despite his success and crazy life he never forgets his friends death, that point in his life, and where he came from. This adds contrast with the title as Summertime has positive connotations for most people but Vince remembers the summer of 2006 for all the wrong reasons. The back cover features the same portrait but zoomed in to show the detail. The track list luckily fits nicely around this portrait when arranged correctly. The font is very square representing the urban genre.

Vince Staples official twitter background image.

Vince Staples next to Ramona Park sign in Sprite x Fader ad.

Vince Staples image post on instagram.

Overall I am happy with the outcome of the album cover, especially the concept. However I feel with more time and experience I could execute it better. One thing I am happy with is the illustration of Vince Staples as I had already improved since my experimentations. The illustration style was inspired by Will Prince and Joxen who make sketchy/messy drawings of hip hop artists. I felt the ragged style with scribbles really matched the urban genre. I learnt from my experimentations and created a more professional illustration with a good balance of black sketchy lines and better colour toning. If I were to improve it I would add more effects and a better background so the foreground and background flow into one more seamlessly. Also I think the hands at the front and the signs at the back are too cartoon'y. I think I would improve the anthropometry so they are more human like but in the illustrated sketchy style so they match the portrait. At the moment the portrait seems to be in one style of illustration and the hands and signs in another. I like how the back cover relates to the front cover making them link. Also a lot of back covers tend to only feature text so I feel my back cover is quite unique and eye catching. The zoom and arrangement of the type fit round each other which looks very professional. Visually I think the cover is eye catching and will stand out amongst Hip Hop covers that are predominantly only black and white this year. If I put myself in the shoes of someone who doesn't know of Vince Staples, I think the cover would come across quite professional and the fact that there is a message would be quite obvious. Cover's with these traits certainly make me interested and want to give the music a listen which is what I wanted to achieve.

This project was a good learning experience for me as I gained knowledge in an area of design that I have considered specialising in and have learnt and improved my photography and illustration skills. Light graffiti and sketching then illustrating are skills I will use and improve in the future.

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