Thursday 18 June 2015


These are a few images I've come across that I like and have caught my attention. Here's why they could influence my designs:

I like how shades of the same colour are used illustrate these artists. This is combined with the use of negative space that incorporates the background colour to make the dark areas of the faces.

These 2 album covers share a theme. The content, shape and layout is the same but the detailed illustrated decoration is different.

The illustration on this cover is very detailed and eye catching. It stands out from other covers and looks professionally made. Covers like this encourage me and other strangers to listen the project.

The illustration on this cover is very detailed but the title is still clear. All the design is achieved using shades of 2 colours.

This cover is very eye catching and unique. The colours are reminiscent of a heat map and aren't used much on other covers, making it stand out

This cover is unique and eye catching. The galaxy/space related colours layered over the rappers face are trippy.

This advert has illustrated cartoons of all the rappers performing which adds a visual element rather than the typical listed line up.

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