Wednesday 6 May 2015

FMP Proposal

Learner Name: Matthew Cooney
Learner Number: 20045876
Centre Name: Central Bedfordshire College
Unit: 6 – Application, Exploration and Realisation in Art
Proposed Project Title: Album cover and promotion design

Section 1
Design an album cover for an urban artist of your choice.

I will design innovative and exciting artwork for an existing or upcoming urban album. This will include an album front and back cover. I will create branding that is consistent throughout the designs to make a strong identity. A body of research and experimentation will be carried out and handed in with the final designs.

Section 2
The reason I am choosing to design an album cover is because it is something I’d like to design in the future and a possible career focus. Music is an interest of mine and I am always looking for new music to listen to. The artwork plays a large role in catching my eye and enticing me to listen. The brief also allows me to improve my illustration, photography and software skills, which are area’s I plan on strengthening before I go to university. This project will encourage me to try new techniques and use mediums for effect.

Section 3
I will create a daily action plan in order to meet the deadline. This will cover research, experimentation, external visits, design development and production of finals. Time management will be essential for completion of this brief to a high standard.

Section 4
I intend on developing my knowledge and skills in both traditional and digital design. This will involve software (such as Illustrator and Photoshop), printing techniques (such as lino printing and etching), photography (such as photograms and light graffiti) and the combination of them. I will research techniques and experiment with the help of tutors from the art and design department. I will use the Internet, library, feedback and external visits for my research throughout the brief. Secondary research will include the research of album covers and artists, using the internet and libraries. Primary research will include an external visit to a relevant exhibition at Somerset House, and could include visits to record stores, and contact with album cover designers. All research will be analysed and inform my design development. Designs will be critiqued throughout the project and feedback will support development decisions.

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